ZNC provides new solution to nematode management improvement.
June 11, the activity hosted by China Chemistry newspaper “AgriGoods Herald” that aimed at investigating soil nematode management market in China and delivering nematode control measurements into thousand villages opened in Beijing.
Plant parasitic nematodes can parasitize on almost all plants. Their existence is easy to miss. Plant above ground parts begin to show symptoms only when roots were already severely damaged. Nematodes has become the second most severe disease in agricultural productions, and significantly threats food crops and economic crops safety.
During the meeting, Mr. Bo Kong points out that plant parasitic nematodes can damage plant tissues, therefore affecting plant absorption of water and nutrition. Some nematodes can even transmit plant pathogenic viruses by feeding on plants. ZNC, an ultra-active plant endophytic fungi extracts innovated by Pengbo Biotech, can promote plant root development, improve plant disease and stress resistance, enhance plant growth, and improve fertilizer utilization efficiency. ZNC is low cost in use. It is safe with stable physical and chemical properties as well as strong process adaptability, and it can be used with available nematicides as a new pesticide additive. ZNC provides a new solution to nematode management with reduced usage of fertilizer and pesticide as well as enhanced efficacy while can be legally used under the new Regulation on Pesticide Administration.
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